Symptoms of gallstones ?

People with gallstones are usually unaware that they have gallstones till symptoms occur. These "silent gallstones" usually require no treatment.
The most common symptom of gallstones is pain in the right upper part of the abdomen. Because the pain comes in episodes, it is often referred to as an "attack."
+Attacks may occur every few days, weeks, or months; they may even be separated by years.
+The pain usually starts within 30 minutes after a fatty or greasy meal.
+The pain is usually severe, dull, and constant, and can last from one to five hours.
+It may radiate to the right shoulder or back.
+It occurs frequently at night and may awaken the person from sleep.
+The pain may make the person want to move around to seek relief, but many patients prefer to lay still and wait for the attack to subside.
If you have any of the following symptoms,you should see a doctor immediately:
+Prolonged pain—more than 2-5 hours
Prolonged pain—more than 2-5 hours 
+Nausea and vomiting
+Fever—even low-grade—or chills
+Yellowish color of the skin or whites of the eyes
clay-colored stools